Friday, May 27, 2011

A Message for the Heavy Hearted

The biggest mistake we can ever make in life is the one in which we learn NOTHING. This is important to remember when we look back at decisions we've made, especially in the category of relationships, including, but not limited to boyfriend/girlfriend, boyfriend/boyfriend, girlfriend/girlfriend (I'M NOT JUDGING). People disappoint people. People hurt people. Therefore, people hold grudges and passionately dislike the ones who have done them wrong.

Here's what I've learned: you don't forgive for the sake of the other person, you forgive to keep yourself sane. Nine times out of ten, they don't know how much YOU'VE been hurting and quite frankly, they usually don't give a shit. We don't realize much weight a grudge holds on our heart until we build a bridge and get over it. When you can  do the Kanye shrug and just say "Fuck it, I'm moving on with my life" you begin to feel light and free.

Now, whatever you do, DO NOT TRY TO SEEK REVENGE. Don't do it. My father once told me, "don't EVER wish anything bad on someone." It takes too much time and energy. Do I still get upset with people, OF COURSE, but I remember what my mother says: "you can't change people, you can only change the way you deal with them." In mean time, I'm working on getting over some things. Let go, and let GOD!