Thursday, October 20, 2011

If "The Terrible Twos" was an album dropping in March...

If "The Terrible Twos" was an album expected to drop in March, THERE WAS A LEAK!

Today, I was THAT lady. Standing at the bus stop, not knowing whether to cry, scream, or laugh to cover it up. This son of mine, whom I love more than the amount of curtains in Bobby's (our local discount store where EVERY West Indian household has gotten at least one set of kitchen curtains) was SCREAMING as I held him. The baby bag was slung over my shoulder, the stroller was leaning up on somebody's fence, and he was just a hollering. I'm thinking it's his teething and sleepiness. People were looking at me and all I could do was TRY to calm this kid down.
I put him back in the stroller and start walking to the next bus stop (WHILE HE WAS SCREAMING). We stopped at the store, bought him a banana, and missed TWO buses while in the store. He quieted down and stopped crying. Finally got on a bus, schlepping the stroller up the stairs, w/o the help of the guy behind me and sat down with the snot nosed, crusty faced kid. (when kids cry, that's what happens)
Before the banana, I was thinking about taking a cab out of complete desperation. Almost at our stop, I called the Mr. to say, I'm not taking a cab anymore, and Dillon grabbed the phone. I couldn't fight it b/c I was holding him AND the stinking stroller. I finally positioned the stroller so I can throw the phone in my bag and Guess What... He started screaming AGAIN. He screamed for two long blocks, kicked off one shoe, and pulled his sock off. Really Dillon? really? He saw his father coming down the block and all of a sudden, he's CALM.
I was THAT lady that I used to look at and wonder "what is going on with her and this baby." the joke was definitely on ME.
The album "The Terrible Twos" has leaked prior to it's anticipated release date. Pray for me guys! Pray for me!

1 comment:

  1. Don't have children yet but being 12 years older than my brother I definitely experienced that with him and people giving me the stink eye as if I was a "horrible parent" guess it's all apart of life.. Lol
