Wednesday, June 22, 2011

What one does to deserve abuse

In a past relationship I was verbally/emotionally abused. He pretty much stalked me and when he got upset and /or drunk he would degrade me; he made me feel like I wasn't good enough. I lost myself and pulled away from my friends. He accused me of cheating when I was stuck at work. One day held me down and pinned on the bed to try and get his point across. When I said I was leaving, he took my stuff and threw it down the stairs, slammed my cell phone in the doorway, yelled at me and when I got outside called me every cuss word you can imagine. I knew I did nothing, and I mean ABSOLUTELY nothing to that man to deserve this treatment. He was insecure. The only thing I did to deserve it was that I didn't realize my worth as a woman whom God created as beautiful. We don't have to become beautiful because we already are. People hand you the bullshit that you allow them to.
He is now FAR away from me (thank God) where he needs to be. When I moved on to a new relationship and the said ex found out I was pregnant, he told me he wished the baby would come out dead or retarded. I thank God for my healthy son and I forgive my ex. I wish nothing bad on him and hope he resolves his issues.I refuse to be held hostage by any past issues with him. Chile, please!


  1. Amen! No need to let that past bitterness of a relationship hold you down. Your son is beautiful and he is a God-send. And I'm totally with you in that they only thing that you did was NOT realize your worth. It happened to me. It happens to the best of us. But once we realize how beautiful we are, how much we are truly worth, and how amazing we are in God, we stop putting up with other people's mess.

    Thank you for being strong enough to publish this post -- it'll help someone who is/was in your situation to get out.
