Thursday, June 16, 2011

Jealousy and Envy

There's a method to my madness so just follow along.

According to cliffsnotes(dot)com:
Envy is the desire for something that someone else has, or a feeling of ill will over another person's advantages in general.
Jealousy is a resentful suspicion that someone else has what rightfully belongs to the jealous person.
In the end of the day, we can't afford to be jealous or envious of anyone because we don't know what goes on behind closed doors, and we don't know what that person has been through to get what they have now. 
People sometimes tell me how much they can't stand the fact that I look the way I look, with not much effort (like diet & exercise)  after having a baby. When I get stressed, I don't eat so I can attribute much of it to stress of being overworked and underpaid when I returned from maternity leave (but we'll save that story for another blog). People mix up weight and health. I can't run 1 short block without being out of breath. A few months ago I ended up in the E.R. because I was passing stones. Thought that was something that happened to old people, huh?
I spoke with/ read about some people who seemed to have been happily married since the beginning of time. Sometimes, someone in a great relationship is there because they endured some type of abuse in a previous relationship and is on to better things.On the other hand, there are the ones who put me in my place to know the SHIT they've put each other through at some point in time. Rev Run tweeted "a great relationship/marriage is just two ppl who are professional at forgiving."
All that glitters isn't gold. Be happy for others when they experience happiness and joy because God has a blessing with YOUR name on it and when you receive it, you would want someone to be happy for you too!


  1. Well put. this is all very true. and yet again from this blog i have experienced this also. makes me sit back and think/wish i could go back in time. making myself a better person today for all that ive done in the past.

  2. This is very true, it doesn't make sense being envious or jealous of what others have. Instead thank God for his blessings because only he know the plans he has for you, and only he hands out blessings.

  3. AMEN to that! I love that quote by Rev Run... it holds so much truth. I totally agree with you. People say the same thing to me about being thin after having a baby, but I tell them that I work out at least 3x per week. And let me not even talk about the stretch marks that are on my stomach (which USED to be the favorite part of my!)

    The grass is NOT always greener on the other side, and if it IS, best believe that the water bill is higher on that side. Much higher.

  4. Sheena, it's not too late. The past will only bother you is if you walked away without learning anything. Kamille, I had to learn that I was my own blessing blocker b/c of jealousy and envy. Alicia, I LOVE that theory about the grass.

  5. Thanks. Even though we have known each other for a short time you have said alot of meaningful things that i take to the heart and i love u for that. u always have something positive to say and its alot of times dealing with something that i can relate to. i enjoy your posting ALOT! Thanks again. tell monkey face his friend said hi. xoxo
